Freely, roaming, on a Malta tour
I hike freely in Malta, and enjoy the pleasure of availability of doing everything, getting everything I want. I wished this free life, which is the limitlessness of my thoughts, the fulfillment of my dreams. Looking at the sea, I think how simple it is, and how difficult it was to get to this point.
Freedom is the most wonderful feeling we all want to live, but when I look around, I see, I hear that most people do not feel free in their lives. Why do not they accomplish what would free them and make them happy?
Many of us have their own lives stuck in their habits,
because they want to avoid change and because they are afraid. They fear that tomorrow will be different than yesterday. They are afraid of what the family, the staff, the friends will think, will say about them, are afraid of the confrontation, are afraid to show themselves, that beloved being who they are themselves.
To be free means I am myself and I do not want to look like someone else. I dare to draw on the schemes that I have brought from the past, to throw away the programs learned from others, listening to me, to build on the newness, on my emotions.
The key to change is to look at the present,
when you see what position you are now or what your relationships are about, how you feel at work, how close you are to your dreams. When you notice all that is in your present moments. Not what you want, not what it could be, not what it was and not what it would be, but exactly what it is now.
Are you talking about what you think or about what you think others expect from you? Do you dare to show your feelings honestly,without playing and masks? Do you take the risk and the responsibility for your decisions, instead of waiting for sure solutions?
If you have asked yourself questions, depending on how much you like your answers, you can freely choose whether to change or leave everything in the same way.
I changed my life. I saw that I was somewhere else than where I wanted to be, so I went toward myself. Again and again I would do this because the result is worth it all.
As long as you pass,
you do not take the responsibility for the situation, you can not live freely. Because freedom also means making a decision, to decide what you want, how, when and with whom you want. That is not enough if you know in theory, or you just dream about it, you have to change the knowledge into activity. To stand by, to watch yourself and to take on everything that is up to you. Do not argue, but concentrate on how you can do it.
We live, move and exist freely.
If you still feel locked up, you are limited by yourself, you are experiencing the limits you have created. Imagine a narrow corridor in front of you. When you cling tightly to your certain thoughts, expectations, when you think that something can only be operated in one way, you can only live in a specific way or when you think that you have no ability to do it, you are in that narrow corridor.
In that time when you believe that you can do everything, you will certainly be able to accomplish anything. The space is widening, the narrow corridor disappears in which you have been and you will finally realize the world around you.
I love this here in Malta. Anywhere I look around, everywhere I see the space. The narrow streets are good enough to walk along and return to the sea.
I wish you to pass out of your comfort zone and feel the very different quality of life that freedom means.
Author: Szilvia Gürtler
If you like to get acquainted with Malta, and a bit with yourself, come and spend a week with me, on my inspirational travel program.