Life changing year with full of opportunities
It’s the end of the year and I’m making a year planner. As I build up the logic of the planner, I inevitably think about what happened with me in this year.
First thing that comes to my mind is
how full of opportunities this year has been. It brought opportunities for change, renewal, development. When it started, I had no idea where I was going to go. My goals were clear, albeit broadly outlined. The way to implement was still in full swing earlier this year.
The winter period started with a move, which I survived only with help due to lack of money and work. This period (also) showed the value of friendship, provide each other, selfless help.
In the spring, a new job arrived, a new apartment, accompanied by new acquaintances, as we built our budding relationship and planned a common future. Travels, cultural marvels, connections, integration into a new family, opening up to the world characterize this season.
In the summer, a new apartment again, the beginning of building a new kind of life, now for two. Grinding, happiness, common goals, harmony, private sphere – these are the words that best describe this period.
The word of autumn is closing. After a long period that began with confronting the past, it continued with the determination to change then ended with making and taking decision. I finally managed to get rid of the chains that had been carried as handcuffs until then. As these grips bounced off me, I was able to breathe more and more easily and focus on my own life.
Now we’re standing here at the end of December, we’ve just signed a contract for the property where we can start our joint venture. The framework of my own business is also slowly clearing, I am increasingly able to plan and put my ideas into focus.
What conclusions I made from this year?
I dare to listen to my intuitions and follow my dreams even if I don’t see the process of realization. Solutions comes along in the way. Sometimes the best is to put your doubts and fears aside and keep the focus on the purpose.
This year has brought faith to myself and confirmed that I’m valuable. I can motivate a lot of people. I realized that I was in love with my life, my job (which I don’t even call a job because I love it so much that almost all my thoughts revolve around it and I am constantly getting new inspiration from it), the island where I live, and the opportunities I created for myself.
My possibilities, the limits I set is only depends on me. 2018 is about opening up to infinity. If you want to know more about how I bring what I dreamed into reality, how I open my soul even more, and how I connect with you even more strongly.
What are my specific plans?
- I’m working on my first interviews on professional topics, which is the beginnings of being a coach
- I start daily manna inspiration messages on my Facebook page,
- Further strengthen the inspirational travel opportunities into Malta,
- I will start my coaching programs aimed at the harmony of body, mind and soul held by Asian and Indonesian line,
- I set up the interface of online coaching and try to reach as many people as possible,
- I also write and work in English language
So, let these be the commitments I have described for next year, my public contract with myself about my goals to be achieved.
I hope I inspired you to do your own accounting as well.
If you want to think together, evaluate the year, plan, feel free to contact me.